This weekend is Mother’s Day. As with most holidays, along with the celebrations come both moments of joy and pensive reflection.

I’m also celebrating Mother’s Day as a mom. Who would have known 32 years ago what extravagant delight would be mine? I have watched my two beautiful, intelligent, energetic, fun-loving, compassionate, and faithful children grow to be adults who are changing the world with their presence and passion. And they have given me the gift of Mother’s Day on a third level – I am a Grandma! The thrill associated with having three grandsons who are full of life and laughter is beyond description. They bring immeasurable joy and satisfaction to my soul.
So Mother’s Day is fun for me. This year I’ll celebrate with my family at Safeco Field in the sunshine watching the Mariners and trying to find the Mariner Moose. I am blessed.
I’m also reflective. This week my daughter-in-law lost a friend who was a mom of two young children. Mother’s Day is going to be sad and empty for them. She left them a gift, however, that can never be taken away. As I read the words of her obituary, I prayed that I would leave the same gift for my children and grandchildren. They are the footprints of a mom:
To her daughter and son, she was an actively engaged mom who taught by example to love travel, seek adventure, be curious, treasure learning, explore boundaries, and make thoughtful choices.
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