Tuesday, September 7, 2010


From Terry:
Leona and I have decided to take a break from our blog, Grace and Gravity. We may decide to revive it again some day and it will live in cyberspace for years to come, but for now we are not going to be doing any more writing in this space.  Leona will continue her writing in the form of newsletters, articles and ministry updates. It has been a lot of fun working together and I will miss this connection!  I am launching a new blog "A Long Obedience" and I would be honored if you choose to follow me at that site! 

Thanks for reading! 
Terry McNichols

From Leona:
Our pastor just finished a sermon series in Ecclesiastes where I was again reminded that everything under heaven has a season. For me, the time for blogging is on pause. I’ve enjoyed sharing this site with Terry and having a place to express some of my observations, feelings and experiences in this journey called aging. Thank you for walking it with us.

I want to thank Terry for her work in developing and maintaining the site. I can’t even imagine the hours she spent scouring Flickr for pictures, being sure the entries were well written and posted in a professional manner, and most time-consuming of all — reminding me to get my copy to her! Thanks, Terry – and good luck on your new blog.

I will continue to use the title “Grace and Gravity” as it is one of my favorite workshop presentations and article headings. The words will forever express the ambiguity and angst of the journey. Truly it is God’s grace that gives us the strength and courage to face the times described as “gravity.”

Leona Bergstrom

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