I have been working a lot lately on encouraging people to share their life stories. While that may seem like a daunting task, comparable to sorting a closetful of photographs, it really needn’t overwhelm one. The idea is simply that we intentionally share the stories of our lives with others as a window to our soul. Sharing one’s life stories gives meaning and significance to the teller as well as blesses the hearer.
If asked to share your life story, however, one hardly knows where to begin. I have a friend who sits down with a new acquaintance and says “Tell me your story. From birth to now.” Wow. For some of us, that’s a long conversation!
But what if we just took little sound bites? I’ve begun to ask people to tell me about

So, If you want to just glimpse a tiny bit into one’s life and learn a whole lot about him/her — ask about a Tree. It’s a great beginning to unfolding the life story of someone you want to know.
(Photo by Jari Schroderus, shared via Flickr)
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