Today I had a funny encounter with another women in the aisles of Fred Meyer. We were both in the produce aisle when I heard her say, "Oh, dear, I can't find my shopping cart." The cart was actually very nearby, but the comment brought us together over a couple of funny stories. I'm wondering if anyone else has had these experiences or whether my senility stands out above yours!

My fellow shopper and I further bonded over several similar stories of lost carts. I usually don't walk away from my cart these days, as I have had some very lengthy searches in the past. But one particularly annoying time stands out. I had left my cart for just a moment to retrieve an item from another aisle and came back to find it gone. I frantically searched the store, sure that I was indeed losing my mind, until I came upon a store clerk, restocking the last two items from my originally-full cart. Apparently this store had experienced many problems with homeless people (or maybe people with memory problems like me) filling grocery carts and then leaving the store. So they were quick to restock the items from abandoned shopping carts. The clerk was very chagrined and I spent another lost hour retracing my grocery list to remember what I had put in the original cart.
Don't even get me started about cars in parking lots. I make it a habit to park in almost the same spot at my usual stores. And I have the magic panic button on my key fob that allows me to set off the alarm if I happen to be in the general vicinity. Hmm. I wonder if they make those for shopping carts?
(Photo by Earl-What I Saw 2.0, shared via Flickr)
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