But with the growth of the internet, getting rid of a favorite book doesn't mean it's gone forever. You can always buy or swap it back, if you need it again. I listed many of my personal books on the swapping site, made a wish list of books I'd like to read, and it has been a great way to pass on books I've read, as well as get the books I'd like to read for very little cost. I don't spend money on new books now; I just list desired books on my wish list and wait until they are available. Then I use the points from the books I've swapped to get a new book. The only cost to me is the media rate cost for mailing the books I ship. I now have a pile of books, just waiting for me, where in the past I was always on the search for the next good book.
My husband has resisted this option for some time, but recently I convinced him that he can keep a list of those books he's sure he'll want to read again some day, and if he ever does want them, I'll just order them for him again. We don't underline in our books now; we copy things that we want to remember, so that our books can be sold back. Now if I underline in and keep a book, I know it is a very important book to me and will be saved.
By the way, you can also swap CDs and DVDs!
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