This story was written by a cousin of mine in Montana. Auntie Ruth was my grandmother's sister, living to the age of 97. She and her husband, Oscar, never had kids, but loved all of us! Here is a story from the latter days of her driving!
Our family has many fond memories of Auntie Ruth but a lot of them involve her driving skills. Here's one I'd like to share with you:
Ruth and Oscar purchased a brand new "sunflower yellow" two-door, hard-top Ford Maverick. They loved to go on Sunday drives but did so nearly every day of the week. They would often times talk about where they had gone or what they had seen but forgot to include some of the details. Like the time they told Ray about their nice drive to Buffalo Hills Golf Course. "It was so pretty and people were so friendly, they all waved and honked" she told him. Our son, Tim, arrived home later that day from a high school golf tournament that had taken place at that same golf course. "You wouldn't believe what happened today. I'm playing with my foursome when people started hollering and waving their arms, someone was honking and I looked up only to see a yellow Ford Maverick driving down the cart path."It was Auntie Ruth and Uncle Oscar and they had obviously taken a wrong turn.

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