Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Boomer thoughts on Refocusing

Posted by Terry McNichols
This is a good opportunity to once again plug Leona's video, Musical Chairs. This video is a 7-minute short that looks at different options open to boomers and would be a good discussion starter for your own friends or small group.

I recently heard a sermon that referenced the words of Mother Teresa: "Do the thing that is in front of you." In searching for the context of that quote, I came across the following, quoted from World Bank website:

In his keynote address, Tony Hall, former U.S. Congressman, Ambassador to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and author of the book Changing the Face of Hunger, challenged the audience to put into action the words of Mother Teresa, "Do the thing in front of you," and to never forget that one person can truly make a difference. "Before trying to change things on a large scale, find something that you know that you can do something about. It just takes an idea, one or two people, and not a lot of money to do something that can change the world."

Look here for an excellent review of Changing the Face of Hunger, that tells the context in which this was said to Tony Hall. I have been challenged to not only look at what I can do in the face of world hunger and poverty, but also to be alert for the "thing in front of me."

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